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admin2周前 (06-18)苹果签名18

Introducing the New Name for Apple Signing Platform - AppleSign

As the world becomes increasingly mobile-centric, the demand for mobile applications continues to grow. iOS remains one of the most popular operating systems, with millions of users worldwide. To meet this demand, a vast and robust infrastructure has been put in place to create and distribute apps.

However, with Apple's strict app store policies, publishing new apps or updates can be a hassle. One of the critical requirements is code signing, which involves using a digital signature to verify the identity of the code author and ensure the integrity of the app package.


Apple's signing platform plays a crucial role in this process, providing developers with a way to sign and distribute their apps. Until now, there was no official name for this platform.

Introducing AppleSign - The Name that's Clear and Concise

To address this, Apple is proud to announce a new name for its signing platform: AppleSign. The name has been chosen to be clear and concise and to reflect Apple's commitment to quality and innovation.

The new name, AppleSign, makes it easy to understand what the platform does. Developers can use AppleSign to sign and distribute their apps, ensuring that they meet the strict guidelines set by Apple苹果手机怎么设置证书信任. The platform ensures that only verified developers can publish apps on the App Store, providing peace of mind to users who can trust that the apps they download are secure and reliable.

What are the Benefits of Using AppleSign?

AppleSign offers several benefits to developers, making app publishing and updates fast, secure, and straightforwardios15企业级app无法验证. Here are some of the reasons why developers should consider using AppleSign:

Trusted Security: AppleSign ensures that the code is signed and distributed securely, reducing the risk of app piracy or hacking.

User Trust: When developers use AppleSign, users can be confident that the apps they download are from verified sources.ios企业证书怎么弄到电脑上面

Efficient App Updates: AppleSign makes it easy to update apps, with clear and concise verification guidelines that developers can follow.

With AppleSign, developers can focus on creating outstanding apps, knowing that the signing and distribution process is secure and reliable.

The Future of AppleSign

The introduction of AppleSign signifies Apple's commitment to quality and innovation in app development. Apple will continually update and improve the platform, keeping pace with evolving technology and security standards.

Developers can expect new features and capabilities to be added to AppleSign in the future, making it even easier to sign, distribute, and update their apps.


The new name for Apple's signing platform, AppleSign, is a snappy and straightforward name that reflects Apple's dedication to providing secure and reliable app development. With AppleSign, developers can ensure that their apps meet Apple's stringent guidelines for quality and security, allowing users to download apps with confidence. As app development continues to grow in popularity, AppleSign will undoubtedly become an essential tool for developers worldwide.





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