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admin4个月前 (03-16)新闻资讯20


Apple is known for its stringent security protocols and its ecosystem is designed to provide a secure environment for users. However, sometimes users might face an issue where they encounter an error message stating that their Apple certificate is invalid or has expired. This can occur when trying to install applications or when trying to sign in to Apple services.

Why does an Apple certificate become invalid?

Apple certificates can become invalid for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is that the certificate has expired and is no longer valid. Another reason might be that the certificate has been revoked by Apple due to a security breach or an unauthorized use of the certificate.

How to resolve Apple certificate invalid issue

There are a few different ways to resolve the issue of an invalid Apple certificate:苹果系统企业微信


Method 1: Renew the certificate

If the certificate has expired, the simplest solution is to renew it. You will need to generate a new certificate from the Apple Developer portal and then re-sign your application or service using the updated certificate.ios证书有什么作用和功能吗知乎

Method 2: Check for revocationios企业证书有什么用吗知乎

If the certificate has been revoked, you will need to check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to determine the reason for the revocation. Once you have determined the reason for the revocation, you can take steps to rectify the issue and then request a new certificate from the Apple Developer portal.

Method 3: Check your system clock

Sometimes an invalid certificate error can occur because the system clock of the user's device is incorrect. Check the system clock and ensure that it is set to the correct time zone and that the time is accurate. If the clock is incorrect, adjust it and then try to sign in or install the application again.

Method 4: Reset your Keychain

If none of the above methods work, resetting the Keychain might help. This can be done by opening the Keychain Access app and selecting "Preferences." Next, click on the "Reset My Default Keychain" button and follow the instructions to reset the Keychain. Once the Keychain has been reset, try to sign in or install the application again.


An Apple certificate becomes invalid for various reasons and it could cause inconvenience to users attempting to install apps or log in to services. However, renewing the certificate, checking for revocation, setting the system clock to the correct time, or resetting the Keychain could often resolve the issue.





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