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admin3个月前 (03-30)IOS签名16


iOS signing is the process of getting an app or tweak installed on your iOS device without going through the App Store. This process typically involves a certificate or provisioning profile, which is issued by Apple. However, it is possible to sign an iOS app yourself, which can be useful for developers or individuals who want to install third-party apps on their devices. In this article, we will give a detailed explanation of how to self-sign iOS apps on Apple devices.


Before you can sign an iOS app, there are a few prerequisites you need to meet:

An Apple developer account苹果自签软件能用多久

Xcode installed on a Mac computer

An iOS device that is registered with Apple

Steps to Self-Sign an iOS App

Here are the steps to follow for self-signing an iOS app:

1. Create a Certificate and Provisioning Profile

To create a certificate and provisioning profile for your app, follow these steps:

Open Xcode on your Mac computer.

Select "Preferences" from the Xcode menu.

Click on "Accounts" and sign in with your Apple developer account.全能签怎么下载

Select "Manage Certificates" and click the "+" button to create a new certificate.

Follow the prompts to create a new certificate.

Select "Create a new provisioning profile" and follow the prompts to create a new profile.

Download the certificate and provisioning profile to your Mac computer.

2. Create an App ID

To create an App ID for your app, follow these steps:

Log in to your Apple developer account.

Select "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".

Select "Identifiers" and click the "+" button to create a new identifier.

Follow the prompts to create a new identifier.

Register your App ID on your iOS device.

3. Build and Archive Your AppIOS签名

To build and archive your app, follow these steps:

In Xcode, select "Product" from the menu and click "Archive".

Follow the prompts to archive your app.

4. Export Your App

To export your app, follow these steps:

In Xcode, select "Window" from the menu and click "Organizer".

Select the archived app and click "Export".

Choose "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" and click "Next".


Select the provisioning profile you created earlier and click "Next".

Select the destination for your app and click "Export".


Self-signing an iOS app can be a useful skill for developers or individuals who want to install third-party apps on their devices. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your own certificate and provisioning profile, build and archive your app, and export it to your iOS device.





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