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admin3个月前 (03-31)IOS签名16


iOS apps must be signed by a valid distribution certificate before they can be installed on devices. However, the traditional iOS app signing process has some drawbacks that can create security vulnerabilities. In this article, we will discuss how to refactor the iOS enterprise app signing process to improve app security.

Traditional iOS App Signing Process

Traditionally, the process of iOS app signing involved utilizing an Apple-provided certificate and provisioning profile. This process allowed apps to be distributed through the App Store or via the Apple Developer Enterprise Program.

However, this process has several vulnerabilities:共享用户签名

The certificate and provisioning profile are stored in the app package, making it easier for an attacker to extract the signing information.

The certificate is globally trusted, which means that if an attacker gains access to a valid certificate, they can sign and distribute any app.

Refactoring the iOS Enterprise App Signing Process

To improve app security, we need to refactor the iOS enterprise app signing process. The following is a proposed flow chart:

Improved iOS Enterprise App Signing Process

In this proposed flow chart, the iOS app signing process has been divided into two distinct steps: a signing process and an installation process.


Signing Process:

The signing process involves generating a certificate and provisioning profile on the enterprise server and signing the iOS app on the user's device. This process ensures that the certificate and provisioning profile are never stored in the app package, making it harder for an attacker to extract this information. Additionally, this process utilizes a certificate that is only trusted by the enterprise server, reducing the risk of an attacker utilizing a globally trusted certificate to sign and distribute malicious iOS apps.苹果企业信任证书

Installation Process:ios企业签名无法验证怎么解决

The installation process involves verifying the signature of the iOS app and installing it on the user's device. This process ensures that only signed iOS apps are installed and that the signing information is verified before installation.


The traditional iOS app signing process has several vulnerabilities that can create security risks. By refactoring the iOS enterprise app signing process, we can improve app security and mitigate these risks. Utilizing a signing process that generates a certificate and provisioning profile on the enterprise server and an installation process that verifies the signature of the iOS app before installation can reduce the risk of unauthorized app distribution and improve app security.





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