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淘宝ios企业签名时间控制-How to Manage Enterprise iOS Signatures on Taobao with Time Control

admin3个月前 (04-04)新闻资讯17


iOS app signing is an essential process that enables enterprises to deploy their applications in-house to Apple devices. In iOS app signing, the enterprise code signs its own apps using its own signing certificate and private key obtained from Apple. Enterprises can obtain their signing identities from Apple by purchasing an Apple Developer Enterprise Program account怎么删除苹果证书信息记录呢. However, managing iOS app signing can be a daunting task, considering the complexity of the process. Fortunately, Taobao, one of the most popular online marketplaces in China, offers a variety of services to help enterprises manage their iOS app signing process effectively.

What is Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing?

Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing is a service that Taobao offers to help enterprises sign their iOS apps with an enterprise certificate. Taobao has an established relationship with Apple, which allows it to obtain enterprise certificates for its customers. Additionally, Taobao’s service includes a time control feature that enables enterprises to specify the period for which their apps will remain valid. The time control feature ensures that the signed app will only work during the specified period while preventing the app from working outside of the prescribed period.

How to Use Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control

Using Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control is a simple and straightforward process. It involves the following steps:

Log in to Taobao website or mobile app and search for “iOS Enterprise Signing.”

淘宝ios企业签名时间控制-How to Manage Enterprise iOS Signatures on Taobao with Time Control

Choose one of the many Taobao shops that offer iOS Enterprise Signing services.

Select “时间控制” from the enterprise signing options. Specify the period for which you want your app to remain valid.

Upload your .ipa file, signing certificate and private key to the Taobao shop. Ensure that you have a valid Apple Developer Enterprise Program account.

Confirm the order details and proceed with payment.

The Taobao shop will sign your app using your certificate and private key and email you the signed app within a few hours.苹果个人签和企业签

The Benefits of Using Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control

There are several benefits of using Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control, including:

Convenience: Taobao provides a simple, user-friendly platform for enterprises to sign their apps.

Time control feature: The time control feature ensures that the signed app will only work during the specified period while preventing the app from working outside of the prescribed period.

Reliability: Taobao has an established relationship with Apple, which assures its customers of the integrity and authenticity of their signed apps.

Affordability: Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control is inexpensive compared to other signing services, allowing enterprises to save money on their app deployment costs.

Speed: The signing process is fast, with most customers receiving their signed apps within a few hours of submitting their orders.


Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control is an excellent solution for enterprises that want to sign their iOS apps with an enterprise certificate without the hassle of managing the process themselves. With its simple and user-friendly platform, time control feature, and affordability, Taobao is an excellent choice for enterprises of any size that want to deploy their apps in-house. Try Taobao iOS Enterprise Signing with Time Control today and discover the benefits of signing your apps with confidence.苹果手机如何获取证书信息呢





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