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admin1个月前 (05-21)新闻资讯115

Introducing the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform

The Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform is an innovative new solution for businesses looking to distribute their iOS apps securely and efficiently. As more companies are turning to mobile apps to engage with their customers, it is crucial to ensure that these apps are properly distributed and signed苹果手机怎么受信任设置密码. The Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform removes the hassle of managing app provisioning profiles and provides a streamlined solution for app distribution.

What is the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform?

The Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform is a tool that allows businesses to sign and distribute their in-house developed iOS apps without going through the App Store. This is especially useful for companies that have their own internal iOS applications, such as employee-facing tools or specialized software. By utilizing the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform, companies can keep these apps private and distribute them securely to select users or groups.

Benefits of the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform

There are many benefits to using the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform for iOS app distribution:appstore下载苹果版下载

Private Distribution: Apps can be distributed privately without needing to go through the App Store.

Secure Distribution: Apps can be distributed securely to select users or groups.

Easy to Use: The platform is easy to use and does not require extensive technical knowledge.

No Limitations: Companies are not limited by the number of apps they can distribute or the number of devices they can distribute them to.

No App Store Approval Process: Because apps are not being distributed through the App Store, there is no need to go through the app approval process.ios15打不开企业app

How Does the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform Work?

The Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform works by allowing companies to sign and distribute their in-house iOS applications using their own enterprise certificate. Here is the process:


Businesses sign up to use the Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform.

The company uploads their in-house developed app to the platform.苹果证书信任设置是什么

The platform generates a unique URL for the app.

The company then distributes the URL to their employees or select users.

The user downloads and installs the app on their iOS device. The app is signed with the company's enterprise certificate and is ready to use.


The Apple Enterprise Signing Distribution Platform is an excellent solution for companies looking to distribute their in-house developed iOS apps securely and efficiently. With many benefits, including private distribution and no app store approval process, it provides a streamlined solution for app distribution. By utilizing the platform, companies can keep their internal apps private and easily distribute them to select users or groups. 苹果手机里的证书怎么删除不了





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